
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Birth options in/near Rennes, France?

A blog reader is expecting her third baby in October and will be moving to Rennes, France.  She prefers an out-of-hospital birth and wants to know if that option even exists. If you have any suggestions, please let me know! This might include:
  • recommended midwives/doctors
  • birth centers (if they exist in that part of France) or good hospitals (public or private)
  • traveling midwives who could come to her?



I am an American moving to Rennes, France in August and having a baby in October. I am wanting to know my options for natural birth at birth centers and how to find them and midwives. Can you direct me to a website or contact? I've been disheartened by what I've read online.

We live in Fairbanks, Alaska and have an AWESOME birthcenter and midwives. I had my first child in the hospital and it was terrible -- every unnecessary intervention possible. Then at the birth center, they just helped me along naturally and our baby came out just fine. I'm worried that if I have this baby in the hospital, I won't trust the workers or myself and will end up saying "ok, well if you think we need to do that, then go ahead."

I'm just getting worried that after having been converted to natural out-of-hospital birth, I may have to be forced to go the hospital intervention route again. You are the first person who has responded to my concern about my options. Is it possible for you to ask your readers about options in Rennes? I'm kind of feeling desperate here.


  1. Hi Rixa, (scroll down)

    There aren't any birth centers in Rennes(or anywhere else in France, in fact...) but there are 3 independent midwifes around Rennes in the Ille-et Vilaine département (35). You should try to contact them as soon as possible, because homebirth midwifes are becoming an endangered species in France.
    As for hospitals, I wouldn't recommend anyone in Rennes to someone looking for a natural birth.
    Feel free to PM me if you need more information

  2. I have a few resources she may be able to use to get some information:
