
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

A physiological breech birth in Brazil

This gorgeous upright breech birth is worth the time to watch. The mama had originally planned a home birth, but transferred in labor to a hospital due to breech presentation. I loved watching the OB's face as she is sitting at the foot of the bed. I imagine she is thinking "Best. Day. Ever!!!"

For a faster sneak preview, start the player at 6:15. You'll see the baby following all the cardinal movements of an upright breech:
  • Body rotates from transverse to facing straight towards the attendant ("tum to bum" as they say in the UK)
  • Legs go on forever, knees look turned almost inside-out, and then plop out 
  • Chest crease or "cleavage" indicates arms will soon follow
  • Baby does a tummy tuck once to release its arms and once again to flex its head
This all happens so quickly that the filmmaker put the birth in slow motion.

Here is the Google Translate version of the birth, taken from the YouTube page:
Thayla was born on a rainy Sunday in May 2017. The initial plan was a home birth, but she was breech (with her butt down and her head up), so it was recommended that she be born in a hospital. The family stayed at home accompanied by midwives Paula Leal and Silvia Briani of Mamatoto team and doula Thais Olardi, until her mother, Thais, was 7 cm dilated. In this hour they went to the Hospital and Maternidade Sepaco where, after a short time, Thayla was born in a totally natural way, without any intervention, in a respectful and humanized way. In the hospital the family received the support of the obstetrician Camila Escudeiro and the neonatal pediatrician Nicole Martin.

It is with great generosity that the family opens up their intimacy and discloses the video of the birth of Thayla. Parents believe that good stories deserve to be told and that it is indeed possible for pelvic babies to be born naturally. The biggest message that Thais leaves to all mothers is: "Believe in yourself, believe in the strength and perfection of your bodies!"

Clareou Films took great pleasure in following this story and is flattered to share with you a story of faith, determination and a beautiful happy ending!

Congratulations to the dads and thank you for sharing this special moment in your life with other families! Welcome, Thayla

1 comment:

  1. So Sweet! What a great angle on the video. I got to show my daughter how she was born.
