
Monday, July 20, 2020

French déconfinement day 71

19,648 steps

Busy day: we had to wake up early to get the kids to soccer camp. It's every day this week in Villefranche. Zari and Dio were whining about going this morning, but everyone came home happy and tired and slightly sunburned. Zari was worried there would be no other kids her age, but she met a very interesting boy, a Russian-French-American-Armenian who speaks 5 languages. Dio and some other kids she knew were in her group.

I went running while Eric dropped the kids off. Then we took advantage of a child-free day and ran several errands. First stop was to an immigration specialist, who gave us loads of helpful advice for re-applying for the carte de résident. Apparently there are all sorts of unwritten things you're supposed to include in your application even though they don't ask for them: criminal background checks, French and US tax returns, letters attesting to your integration into French society, etc...

Armed with this new information, we got all our paperwork together and contacted a French tax accountant so we can file French tax returns this year. We don't need to, as we have no French income...but it might make all the difference in our visa application.

Then we also compiled all of the paperwork for registering for sécurité sociale. We stopped by the office to ask a few questions. Sometimes French bureaucracy can be nightmarish, but other times, like today, we encounter a super helpful person and all is well with the world.

We also had lunch with friends from back in our university days. They would often come over, bringing their toddler, for Scrabble or dinner. Many master's and PhDs later, they have 4 children ages 15-21 and we have 4 children taking over their 2-year age gaps seamlessly. They happened to move to France several years ago...and finally we met up again after 20 years!

The kids came home and it was a flurry of dinner, showers, packing lunches, laundry, and getting ready for bed. Eric and I managed to squeeze in a walk together after dinner.

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