
Sunday, July 26, 2020

French déconfinement day 77

9,214 steps

It was nice to have a relaxing day after such a busy week. We mostly stayed inside: reading, crafts, watching "Anne With an E", playing chess, making sourdough bread, watching a soccer match on TV...At one point I found myself on the floor getting a massage from Inga. It turned into a little cat nap while the soccer match was playing.

Inga designed a little stuffed bear. She drew her idea, turned it into a pattern, added the seam allowances, and cut out the fabric pieces--all by herself. I'm going to help her sew them together tomorrow (they are really small, so machine stitching will be hard for her as there are tiny little curves to navigate). She wants to do as much by herself as possible.

I told her that if it works, we could draw up a nice pattern and turn it into a shareable PDF. She loves the idea!

I worked on my large batch of face masks. The copper wire nose piece are all inserted.

Last week I battled an infestation of pantry moths. It was bad enough that I had to empty out the entire cupboard, put everything into the freezer, and deep clean all the cupboard shelves. We still have the occasional stray moth flying around but I think we're winning. And today I found the source of our fruit fly invasion (a rotten shallot that was hidden from view).

We installed screens on all of our windows so it's unusual to have fruit flies in the apartment. I can adopt most French ways of doing things, but I LOVE having screens on my windows. It's an American thing that I am unapologetic of. No more slapping mosquitoes at night. No flies. The screens on our big windows are retractable, so they are out of the way in the winter. Our back (bedroom) windows have those adhesive velcro & fabric screen kits. They've helped up well considering they're only a few Euros each and I installed most of them 5-6 years ago.

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