
Monday, August 03, 2020

French déconfinement day 85

16,921 steps 

We woke up to a wonderful surprise this morning: clouds! I went running but the sun was almost completely out by time I finished. We had a nice breeze today and that made the temperatures bearable. 

I've been doing a lot of mending: replaced a broken zipper in Ivy's dress, stitched up several seams that were splitting open in another of Ivy's dresses, tightened the band of one of my swim suit tops, shortened a pair of shorts for Zari (they were all the way to her knees and looked funny), turned a long dress into a sleeveless, knee-length nightgown, and mended several rips in one of our duvet covers. I was going to hide the last repair, but I ended up liking the look of the visible mending. 

I bought some buttonhole elastic as a face mask hack: the idea was to put buttons on each end so the ear loops can hook over the buttons, rater than on our ears. The idea was nice but the execution failed. The elastic doesn't stay in place behind my head; it slips down all the way to the back of my neck. And that is the wrong angle for holding the mask on. 

So tomorrow we'll see if we can design some little elastic toggles with polymer clay. I bet I can get the kids to make me some. If they work, I'll make the elastics extra long so there is room to adjust the elastic. 

Dio had friends over most of the day (twins from his class) and Ivy went to a friend's house. We had a relaxing afternoon at the chateau. 

We have dentist's appointments tomorrow. We did some DIY teeth cleaning tonight with our set of dental tools. Hoping that we don't need "détartrage" (plaque removal) as it costs extra and we are paying out of pocket! 

I just took this video a few minutes ago. It's a bit after 11 pm and the Irish pub on the corner has live music going until around midnight. Fortunately our bedroom windows all open into an interior courtyard/staircase, so we don't hear any of it when we're trying to sleep. They have great music so there's nothing to complain about!

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