
Wednesday, December 09, 2020

French quarantine 2.0, day 19

9,928 steps 

Ugh, today was a "journée raté." It was supposed to be Dio's first day of soccer practice. When he found out, he started crying and wouldn't stop because he didn't want to go. 

Eric finally lost patience and said, "Fine, then you won't play soccer. You're done." Then I got upset because I wasn't okay with just letting Dio give up on something (because he does this with almost everything, whether it's school or soccer or piano lessons). 

I brought Zari and Dio to our RDV spot (still not having resolved the issue of whether or not he'd play) and our ride didn't show up. We waited...and waited...finally I texted him and it turns out they'd changed the practice time to a half-hour earlier! 

So we went back home and went on a walk instead. I don't have their coaches' numbers yet so I couldn't call and say why we didn't show up. 

 Meanwhile Inga and Ivy were at their practice at OGC Nice. They'd originally been told they could join, no problem, as they'd played for OGC Nice already for 2 years. But then Inga's coach said she'd need to try out, twice. 

Tonight was Inga's 2nd tryout. Eric said she was clearly better than many of the other girls--I'll take his word on that, since he coaches soccer. But at the end of the evening, they said they couldn't take Inga because there were too many girls already. (Which makes we wonder: why did they have her try out if they weren't going to add to the team?) 

Inga came home sobbing, Eric came home frustrated, and we still haven't sorted out what to do with Dio. Comments

1 comment:

  1. Dialectical behavior therapy workbook for Dino’s anxiety

    I’m so sorry about soccer. What an unfortunate situation
