
Saturday, April 03, 2021

French renovations, Day 103: Play day

10,149 steps

I got the least amount of exercise by far today, compared to the rest of the family. Zari went up to soccer practice and Eric took the rest of the kids to the château for a pickup match. I walked to the grocery store and carried home a heavy cart of groceries.

After running for 2 hours straight, the kids weren't tired. Not at all! In fact, Eric, Inga, and Dio had enough energy that they went to the outdoor track in Vauban and timed themselves running the 100m. They also played on various exercise equipment.

I babysat Ivy's friends, identical twins from school, so we went to the Tête Carrée park. There they ran around for at least an hour, hardly stopping except to get drinks of water. Then we came back and raced toy cars down Rue Rosetti.

We had an excellent dinner tonight (Eric's turn): vegetable & shrimp tart (store-bought since it was on sale), salmon with garlic & capers, and tarte au chocolat (which I made).

Zari is fretting about not quite fitting in with or being liked by her soccer teammates. She's always been different, socially (kind of like me!). Part of it is that social interactions aren't necessarily intuitive for her. And she's an introvert. And she mostly doesn't care too much about fitting in. (Again, sounds like me!) But she can sense when things are different, or awkward, or uncomfortable and it does bother her.

She's always been an outsider here in France. And even generally, whether in France or the US, she's never had a "best friend" that she does everything with. Going back and forth so often hasn't helped, combined with her more independent personality. But I do feel bad that she's missed out on that part of growing up.

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