
Saturday, July 03, 2021

French apartment renovations, Day 194: Soccer marathon

6,820 steps

Eric wins the award for soccer parent of the century. He has been gone for over 12 hours at 3 different soccer tournaments! Inga in the morning, Ivy in the afternoon, and Zari in the evening. He was so busy going from one to another that we literally swapped out Inga and Ivy at a red light. He did have a whopping 3 minutes at home to eat dinner before running to Zari's tournament, which is still going on late in the evening.

I had a very sedentary day. Most of the morning was helping kids practice and dealing with a very big meltdown of Ivy's. When she gets going, whoo boy!

We watched an episode of "Shadow and Bone" in the afternoon. I did 4 loads of laundry and loads of accounting for Breech Without Borders. Dio helped me with the Excel spreadsheets. His eyes were bugging out when he saw the revenue columns (to a 12-year-old, anything seems like an enormous sum!). He asked, "Is there anything I can do to earn money?"

I said, "Well, I'm not sure if I have a Breech Without Borders job for you."

"I could add up the money for you, just like we did today."

"Maybe...but how about I pay you to clean the fridge?" (It was well overdue for a top-to-bottom cleaning.) "I'll pay you $5."

He wasn't interested, but Inga was. So now we have a sparkly clean fridge. I told the kids that we do regular chores together as a family. But for super duper extra special jobs, we can hire them out 🙂

Inga had a big meltdown when Ivy came home. Both girls' teams had won their respective tournaments, but only Ivy came home with a trophy. Inga wanted a trophy SO BAD and nothing would console her. Ivy even offered to give Inga hers, but Inga said, "No, that wouldn't be fair to Ivy!"

I went for a 10-minute swim right before dinner. It's so nice to be able to walk out the door and be in the ocean in 3 minutes. No need to pack up a whole car full of gear and plan a day trip. Just shoes, towel, and keys.

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