
Sunday, February 06, 2022

Chamonix Ski Day 1: First day of skiing and some frustrations

We were all excited to head out on a gorgeous day: clear skies, right around freezing, calm. We went up the big gondola and started down the hill. We figured the kids would be fine--after all, they were skiing pretty much everything 2 or 3 years ago, even the blacks.

And then Ivy freaked out, lost her knowledge of how to ski, and refused to ski down anything but the most ridiculous bunny hills. I KNOW she can ski. But she has become utterly paralyzed when she sees anything that has a slope to it. We spent all day coaxing, encouraging, yelling, pleading...nothing worked. I'd say 90% of her ski time was spent inching painfully down the hill and/or being completely immobilized.

We are at a loss for what to do. Ivy is worse now than she was at 3 years old!

We ended up trading off so one of us was with Ivy doing basically nothing and the other parent was skiing big runs with the other 3 kids.

Part of the issue was that the place we're at has mostly advanced runs (almost all red and blacks, only a few blues, and even those blues all have parts that are quite steep). It wouldn't have been an issue 2 or 3 years ago so we didn't even think before choosing this location.

That said, it was still fun and we all got a good amount of skiing in. I came home about an hour early with Ivy (we are within walking distance of the main gondola). We're all exhausted now.

Eric and I found a boulangerie only 4 blocks away and it has amazing baguettes! So now we have a place to buy our bread for sandwiches. We're all set and might not to need the car at all this week, unless we go to a different resort in the valley. (All of the resorts in the Chamonix valley are part of the same ski pass.)

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