
Friday, May 20, 2022

French apartment renovations, Day 513: A 3 1/2 shower day

Yes, 3.5 showers today. #1 in the morning, #0.5 before lunch (I rinsed my arms, legs, and face off in the shower without actually geting my whole body wet), #2 at the end of the work day, and #3 after going swimming.

It was a dusty day of sanding, mudding, cutting channels in stone & plaster, and jackhammering. I had so much gunk in my contacts that, even after cleaning them, it still looked like there was dust in the air. (And this is despite wearing fully sealed safety goggles.)

I took Zari to an orthodontist appointment. We got home right as eveyrone else came back from school. Inga and Dio had other things going on, but the rest of us had a glorious hour at the beach. I swam for the second time this season.

I endeed the day with a 2-hour Zoom call with 3 breech experts. We're putting together breech guidelines, but unlike any other guideline that's out there. (If you want a medical guideline written by an obstetrical society, there are plenty out there. We're not trying to reproduce that.) Our guidelines are based on physiological birth and written primarily from the deep experience of providers who have spent decades attending well over 1,200 vaginal breech births, close to 1,000 sets of twins, and many sets of triplets.

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