
Thursday, June 16, 2022

French apartment renovations, Day 540: Fewer bumps on the walls

I dedicated today to applying wall smoothing compound (besides, you know, also doing the changeover for 2 sets of Catamaran guests and cooking dinner and occasionally paying attention to my children). I've nearly done one of the great big walls!

Zari helped me rip a few long boards this morning. She still is very intimidated by power tools but I think I'm acclimatizing her. Maybe by time she's an adult she'll take a liking to can hope. But honestly, I hadn't used a table saw more than sporadically until we started this renovation project. Miter saws, all the time. But table saws, less so.

Eric was busy most of the day with the James Baldwin conference. Guests are now registered and socialized and the conference sessions start tomorrow. He'll be in absentia for the next two days.

Ivy was adamant that we not swim this afternoon, despite gorgeous weather, because her friend told her there were jellyfish. I told her I'd go myself, and she begged and pleaded for me to not go. "No mama, I don't want you to get stung by a jellyfish! Don't go!" I assured her that I was an adult and that I'd be okay. And guess what? Not a single jellyfish in sight, and the water was completely clear. Too bad for her.

Zari helped me chop ingredients for Tuscan butter gnocchi. Dio is trying to decide whether to go to school next week--it's optional starting Monday and a big part of the class doesn't come. I told him that if he chose to stay home, he'd have to work with me at least half of every day. I'd actually love his company but I am not sure that he will want to be my work assistant :)

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