
Monday, November 14, 2022

Breech tour du monde, days 3-4

I told my kids during a video chat today, "I am talking to you from the future." We're nearly 1 full day ahead here in New Zealand.

It's hard to wrap my head around that yesterday I was in Texas and today I am in New Zealand, but somehow we skipped today and I'm actually at tomorrow already.

After our two days of skillz and drillz, Kristine and I each had 90-minute conference presentations. She spoke first about her experiences doing humanitarian aid work as a midwife. Next, I presented about complex and complicated breech scenarios, with a quick overview of breech maneuvers first.

We ate lunch, packed up our luggage, and then headed to the airport for our big flight to New Zealand. That already seems like way farther away than yesterday, even though I didn't sleep much so technically it's still the same period of wakefulness.

We had a 15-hour flight, which went as well as a 15-hour flight can go. I lucked out and found two empty seats in front of me, which meant I got to sit in the aisle seat and rest my head against the middle seat.

We had a long wait through customs and biosecurity. Kristine got in a line that moved much faster than mine, so she was able to film me coming out. Notice that one item is missing: my purse (containing my wallet and passport). All items had to go through a final x-ray screen as we exited biosecurity. They put my purse in a separate container and sent it through after my other items. I must have been so tired that I didn't notice.

We caught an Uber to our airbnb, about 20 minutes away, where we met David Hayes. It was at that point that I realized my purse was missing! At first I thought I had left it in the Uber car, but then I retraced the events backwards and realized I hadn't picked it up from the x-ray machine. David kindly offered to bring me back to the airport. And yes, they had my purse at biosecurity, awaiting reclamation! It was a quick process and I was in and out in five minutes.

The rest of the day has been devoted to staying awake, buying groceries, cooking, and goofing off.

Notice our luxurious view of a cess pit cleaning service. New Zealand at its finest.

Kristine got cheeky with her Piper forceps. Yes, we ate that salad for dinner.

The proper application of Piper forceps from Breech Without Borders on Vimeo.

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