
Monday, July 24, 2023

Freeze Family Reunion, day 5: Cameron Lake

We had a fun half day at Cameron Lake, from about 10 am – 2 pm. It’s a huge lake nestled between mountain peaks, glacier-fed, and the far end of the lake is actually in Montana, across the US-Canada border! One intrepid group canoed all the way to Montana and back today.

We were expecting ice-cold water but the lake was not quite as cold as Upper Waterton Lake. Still cold but not numbingly so. I swam for about 5 minutes. I’m definitely not used to freshwater swimming—being in salt water gives you much more buoyancy.

We had a big inflatable raft and a paddle board. I went out with Zari and Ivy on the paddleboard. I also hung out with the younger girl cousins on the raft. Then I became their meal delivery service, shuttling their lunches to them in plastic bags.

Eric went with a few other people to go fishing and snorkeling. He saw lots of trout. They caught four but only brought one home because the rest were too small.

It’s the last day of the heat wave (33 C) so we spent the afternoon at the community center, playing games and talking. I caught both Eric and his dad involuntarily napping at the same time. Like father like son.

Dinner was all of the week’s leftovers. We packed lunches for those who are staying to do another hike tomorrow (us and one of Eric’s brothers). More family games in the evening and then cleanup at the community center. A Freeze family favorite is the "quiet game," where everyone lies down with their eyes closed, makes no noise, and raises their hand when they think one minute has elapsed. No peeking.

Eric is off fishing with Ivy and Inga. The sun has just set behind the mountains and we have a good hour and a half of twilight, then another hour before it’s fully dark and the stars come out.

1 comment:

  1. My mother, my daughter, and I were at Waterton from July 9th-14th. It was our first trip to the park. It rained every day, and the day we went to Cameron Lake it was 15 degrees and raining. My daughter and I were the only ones on the water. My daughter desperately wanted to make it to the Montana side--she's never been outside Canada--but the wind made it impossible (and the lightning made it a little unsafe!).
