
Monday, January 15, 2024


I need a pep talk. I am feeling so overwhelmed that everything I need to get done that it's almost paralyzing. For example, the teeny tiny little issue of revising, expanding, editing, and designing the 2nd edition of our book. You know, just a small little thing. That's just one of about 25 things on my to-do list.

Please help!

I had a 3-hour tutorial with a graphic designer today, walking me through InDesign. She's so lovely and it has massively improved my ability to do things with that program. It's not very intuitive.

Eric and I are both feeling under the weather. He got up in the morning and promplty went back to sleep until noon. I would have liked to do that! But I had to much work to do.

After school, I brought Inga to her x-ray appointment. It was super efficient and cost us a grand total of 7.5 Euros. She has her followup visit with the family doctor tomorrow.

When we were walking to her appointment, Inga said, "Why do so many women wear makeup? It's just a weird thing if you think about it, and it must take so much time to put on." I agreed. And I told her, "You know, chances are that if I wore a lot of makeup, you probably would too when you grew up."

I have my pre-op visit with the varicose vein surgeon tomorrow to mark the veins with permanent marker. Then the vein removal is the next day.

I had to remove all of my leg hair today. I made my normal sugar wax but accidentally cooked it a few degrees too high, so it was way to hard to use. I tried plan B--electric trimmer--but it did not work very well. So I moved on to plan C: hair removal cream. (You're not supposed to use a razor pre-op and I don't like shaving my legs anyway.)

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