
Sunday, May 26, 2024


It's great having my brother here because he gets the kids up and out of the house! After lunch we headed to the beach for swimming, napping, and/or reading. Eric took a long swim/treasure hunt. Zari, Ivy, my brother, and I swam. Inga and Dio enjoyed the sun but didn't want to get in. There's a warm layer of water for the first few inches. It's really not bad--getting in is the worst part.

I prepared dinner and then joined my brother at a local pub to watch the last part of the Grand Prix. It was surprisingly fun. He told me all sorts of facts he had learned from his time in Monaco yesterday. I was super impressed watching the 2-second tire changes during pit stops. Seriously amazing.

After dinner but before dessert, we went outside again on the Promenade des Anglais. He brought his skateboard and taught the kids how to ride on it.

It's one of those days where we feel so lucky to live here and to have so many visitors. Hint to all our friends & family members: please come see us!

It's Mother's Day in France so I got some handmade cards from the kids--always very creative of course. Ivy also gave me some cookies she made at school.

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