
Thursday, May 16, 2024

The mystery deepens...

I had my appointment this evening with the kine, who also turned out to be a DO who specializes in treating vertigo. He did all sorts of fancy tests on me with differnet machines and maniuplations of the body. And...good news...he can't find anything abnormal.

Weird news...he also doesn't think I have BPPV! He doesn't know what it is, really, except that he's ruled out a whole bunch of possibilities.

I left with instructions to contact him if it persisted or got worse, but if it goes away then no need to come back. He also suggested getting a workup from an audiologist. I am feeling more vertigo today, but not as bad as the first day.

Anyway enough about my weird inner-ear issues!

I did a little bit of a lot of things today:
  • painting
  • helping Eric cut down 2 doors with a table saw
  • turning a loose men's button-down shirt into a semi-fitted women's shirt to fit Zari
  • a few small grocery errands
  • going to the beach to read with Eric...although we lost our sun after 5 minutes as a thunderstorm rolled in
  • lots of breech stuff
  • watching Coraline with the family. I've seen it several times and it's still just as creepy!
Ivy was supposed to have a huge sports day with many schools participating. But with the big storms rolling through, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, it got cancelled. She was so disappointed because she was determined to win the race!

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