
Saturday, June 22, 2024

3 big celebrations

We attended the grand opening of the first part of the extension on the coulee verte. We waited for a while in the sun as the MC jabbered on and periodcally warmed up the crowd. Then finally they dropped the big curtain and let us all see and walk through it.

Once the crowd had flowed through most of the new gardens, we stopped for some pomp & ceremony. First we had a video broadcast on huge screens showing the history and conception of the coulee verte, including some of the engineering and sustainability built into the subturreanean structures (enormous rainwater cisterns to ensure that the entire coulee verte will be self-sustaining).

Then our mayor, Estrosi, gave a speech. Long, florid, eloquent, very typical of French speeches. And yes, also quite moving, especially his remarks about making this city adapt to the pressing realities of climate change and becoming a resilient, green, tree-filled place to live.

There were performers and dancers wandering throughout the gardens, dressed as giant flowers and insects. There was a free buffet of traditional Nicois foods: pissaladière, socca, tourt aux blettes, aprictot tart, pear tart, pan bagnant, legumes farcis...

We got the chance of wander up to the new lookout point, which marks the end of phase 2. The completion is scheduled for this coming September.

All of us except Dio, who was going on a bike ride with a friend, went to the beach for a quick swim and/or reading time. I had to hurry back to go to a wedding in Antibes.

Dio and his friend rode to the airport and back, stopping for a while at a park near the airport and playing volleyball. Eric and the girls had an end of the year party at Cavigal, during which they played lots of friendly matches.

I got home after 9 pm and Eric's crowd came back about a half hour later. We didn't have much to eat and the grocery stores were all closed, so Eric picked up a few pizzas.

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