
Thursday, June 20, 2024

I slept well last night and feel much better. Not quite well enough to run...but otherwise pretty good. Zari had her last written exam (English) today and she realized that it was also the very last day she would be in her high school. Her oral exams next week are in another school. And so...that's it! Just like that, it's over.

I went out with our guests this afternoon to buy ice cream and walk up to the chateau and then back around the point.

Ivy asked me to supervise her and a friend after school. They had planned to go to the miroir d'eau (splash pad) but there was no water running when we arrived! So we chose Plan B and went to the beach. They swam for almost and hour and left reluctantly when I told them it was time to go.

Dio's team had a friendly kids vs. parents soccer match tonight, and he and Eric had so much fun. The parents won most of the matches.

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