
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Yet another one down

Zari now has a fever. Better this week than next (her big oral presentations). Inga is at a sleepover at a friend's house up in the mountains. Ivy and Dio felt well enough to go to school.

We went out to lunch with Eric's friend, back to Peixes which never fails to please and surprise us. However, I can now say that I am definitely not a fan of wasabi ice cream, nor does it go well together with a chocolate brownie (not sure what they were thinking??). It was raining on the way there and on the way back. Such strange weather for June in Nice.

Lots of meetings in the afternoon. Eric and I went to the beach with his friend in the late afternoon, but it was overcast. He still went in but we didnt--too chilly! Ivy and a friend joined as and they were brave enough to get in. And then it started raining on us!

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