
Friday, July 19, 2024

Goodbye, wisdom teeth!

We had a brutally early start to our day at 5:30 am (and of course I had insomnia the night before! Of course!). We arrived promptly at 6:59 am, got checked in and settled into the room.

Zari dressed in the ridiculous ritualistic medical clothing: paper slippers, paper underwear, hospital gown that snaps up the back, and a hair net. And then...we waited...and waited. We had been told that the surgery would be at 8, but she didn't get taken back until close to 11:30 am!

After a rather long wait, some nurses came into the room and asked, "Do you have the x-rays?"

"No, I gave the x-rays to the surgeon a few days ago."

They asked who the surgeon was and then left. That didn't exactly inspire confidence on my part! And why would I have the x-rays on the day of her surgery? I'm not the one doing the surgery!

But I assume the x-rays were located because Zari eventually showed up again, smiling, with her cheeks nestled between ice packs. She was remarkably happy and even a bit energetic (was it the drugs?). I was expecting her to be tired and loopy. But this was the more confident, less inhibited, and more carefree Zari that got unleashed.

We had to wait another 2.5 hours to be released. Zari napped on and off--lots of drugs to work out of her system, I suppose, plus a lack of sleep the night before.

By 2 pm, I was super hungry. I hadn't eaten anything all day, and the day before was my fasting day so I had very little. I took a quick walk down the street until I came across a small grocery store. When I came back, the nurse came in to release us back into the wild.

We picked up a prescription for antibiotoics after we got off the tram and were home by 3 pm. I didn't get to eat, though! Eric had an interview with a newspaper reporter and I joined them down in Le Chateau. Finally at 4, I was able to grab a bite to eat. Phew!

I'm glad it all went well. Zari is in some pain, as to be expected, managed with ice packs and Tylenol (or "Saint Doliprane," as my friend calls it!).

Ivy is still in pain from her blisters. Eating and brushing teeth are particularly difficult.

I made country tomato bisque, along with baguettes and cheese, for dinner. We cooled Zari's soup in the freezer until it was just barely warm. They recommended staying away from hot food for the first day or two. She should be cleared for swimming by Monday, as long as she's not in too much pain.

And it's after 11 pm and I am soooo tired.

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