
Monday, July 15, 2024

Haircut, swim scare, and more

Inga wanted a hair cut, so I took about 3" off. It now falls right below her shoulders. She took lots of before and after pictures (but not on my phone).

Dio and the cousins went on a bike ride this evening. He also went along with his cousins and aunt and uncle as they went suit shopping.

Zari, Ivy, and Inga worked on a stop motion animation this afternoon, but they only got as far as designing one of the set pieces! It's very elaborate.

Zari, Inga, Ivy, and I went to the beach in the late afternoon. Now that Zari has disocvered how to dive deep and equalize her ears, she is obsessed with diving. She was out for at least 2 hours...and for the last hour, we didn't know where she was because she had apparently swum around the point and out of sight. I finally started freaking out--quietly--because she is still fairly new at diving. I finally sent Ivy to run along the coast to see if she could spot Zari, and I also callled Eric to come look for her.

Ivy arrived running several minutes later, saying she had just found Zari (she was way around the point and quite far out, looking at the statue of La Vierge, which is about 45 feet / 15 meters down. Eric arrived at the same time and we could see her coming around the point. I think I'm going to insist that if she swims out of sight, she needs to have a partner with her. Fortunately Eric is just as obsessed with diving so she won't lack for a dive partner.

Eric cooked up four fish for dinner that he caught this past week. It was my fasting day so I had to defer until tomorrow (my meal today was a green vegetable puree, 2 squares of dark chocolate, and scrambled eggs with onions and bell peppers).

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