
Tuesday, July 02, 2024

High school graduate! Middle school graduate!

Zari left early this morning for her last exam, the grand oral. She has oficially finished the bac and ended her French high school career!!

When she arrived, her examiners chose which of her two subjects she would be speaking on. She had prepared one presentation about the significance of Silent Spring in the US environmental movement, and the other one about how Banky's artwork critiques contemporary social, economic, and policial issues. They chose the one on Banksy. She thinks it went really well. One of her two examiners was her teacher from seconde (10th grade).

Dio has also finished all of his exams (brevet) as of this afternoon!

Zari's door is back on its hinges, awaiting one final coat on one side of the door. I painted one side in the basement, but it's so humid down there that the door was still wet after drying overnight (and it's water-based paint, which usually dries in a few hours).

I had a lot going on today between work and some stuff with rental apartments back in the US...didn't sleep well last night because of it...but I did have time for a quick dip in the sea before dinner!

Inga went hiking to Eze with our friends. The forecast said overcast skies, but it was sunny most of the day. The hike was much warmer than expected.

Dinner was poluck; I cooked creamy herbed pork chops over red rice, foie gras, and a plum tart for dessert. They brought salad and a few different kinds of shredded vegetables in sauce and some ravioli with tomatoes and lardons. And bread and cheese because we're in France!

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