
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

I talked to Eric this morning to see how the camping was going. He was a bit grumpy because he was asked to be a night guard (to ensure the youth didn't get into trouble, I guess?) and he finally called it quits at 1:30 am because he was so tired. He's volunteering as a chaperone and I think it's crazy that they're asking the adult volunteers not only to help out during the day, but to stay up all night in shifts. He was also too cold at night, despite bringing an extra blanket.

Ivy and I exercised together in the morning, then she went with my SIL to buy pastries and walk around. I did video caption editing all day today, with a short break to run an errand. Ivy got treated out to ice cream wrapped in a bubble waffle, topped with oreos and whipped cream and strawberries. Wow! Having aunts and uncles around is amazing!

We made spicy crab sushi for dinner and had 12 rolls left over after we finished eating! I cannot cook for a small group. (And I made a big batch on purpose, because I know that the teenagers are coming back on Friday and they will demolish it all in about 5 seconds.)

We went swimming after dinner in the sea that was lake calm and perfectly clear. Ivy swam for at least an hour and a half. She is part fish. She and a group of kids found an octopus near shore, so they were looking at it for about 30 minutes. It turned spiky at one point and at another time, it released its ink.

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