
Friday, August 09, 2024

All conferenced out!

I left the last session a bit early (well, technically an hour late as it went overtime) because by 9:30 pm, I was just wiped out. We've been conferenceing since 8 am with no downtime. Today was my busy day, between 1.25 hours of video analysis, then almost 2 hours of simulations, then another hour of extra video analysis just for fun.

I ran up to the hot tub before it closed. Ahhhh...I really wanted to exercise but it's hard for me to do that late at night. I am a "first thing or it doesn't get done" kind of person.

I've sent off invitations for tomorrow's breech live session and now I'm going to do one of my favorite things in the world: like down and read until I fall asleep (which will not take long).

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