
Thursday, August 15, 2024

The pestilence is upon us

Before I left for the conference in KY, I noticed 1 or 2 small itchy bumps on my hips and thought nothing more of it. By time I got home 5 days later, I had about 15-20 bumps on my waist/hips/butt and several on both ankles. Now the 3 girls have also presented with the same bumps in the same locations: waist/hips and ankles. They're not mosquito bites--they are a bit more hard and raised and poison ivy level itchy.

I went to the doctor 2 days ago and she was flummoxed. One possibility is that it's scabies. (I had to look it up.) Although none of us have the classic tunneling, the fact that 4 of us have the same spots in the same parts of the body is suspicious. However, the doctor doesn't have the equipment to test for it so it's just a guessing game. We're going to treat the whole family with NIX cream, wash all clothes and bedding, and see if it goes away. Another option is taking ivermectin rather than using the cream. Double yay.

Otherwise the doctor is stumped. She suggested going to a dermatologist, but it would take 4-6 weeks for an appointment and it would only be a nurse practitioner or PA (nothing against them, but for something as weird as this, I'd prefer to see a specialist).

So yeah, on top of everything else going on, we have The Pestilence chez les Freezes. Yay.

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