
Monday, September 09, 2024

Back to our weekday schedule, in which I don't see any children until 6 pm at the earliest. Why are we doing this?

I started a big spreadsheet for Zari's university applications. She's already enrolled in France this year but wants to see what her others could be for the following year. She's very interested in the University of Ottawa because it's bilingual and in a great city. We need to stay on top of these applications because there are so many forms and deadlines.

Still, she has a fantastic option that is (almost) free if she decides to stay in Nice. And it's a 3-year program so she could be done faster and have plenty of time for graudate school if that interests her.

It's cold inside the house! Just 5 days ago it was over 90 degrees and now I'm layering on all the sweaters. But it's supposed to get hot again this week--close to 90. We put winter comforters on all the beds because we were getting too cold at night.

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