
Monday, September 16, 2024

I woke up well before 4:30 am with lots on my mind and couldn't get back to sleep. I read for a while, then laid there and pretended I was asleep. I was on the fence about exercising, but since I had to drop kids off at school (game day, so they don't take their bikes), I made myself go to the gym.

Pretty quiet day as usual. I recorded and edited a conference presentation for an upcoming ICEA conference. I also had a parent consultation meeting.

I'm stretching my fasting muscles today and am fasting all day through tomorrow. I may not make it until lunch but we'll see...

Ivy and Inga's game was cancelled this evening. This allowed me and Eric to watch Zari's home game (Dio had an away game). I was laughing just watching Eric get so worked up and yelling all sorts of coaching advice. I doubt anyone can hear him but it makes him feel better, I guess. For the last 10 minutes he got up and started pacing up and down the edge of the field. Ultimately Zari's team lost 4-2.

You know what stinks? Cooking dinner and not being able to eat a single bite. I made something simple (pierogis, broccoli, and edamame) and fled the scene as quickly as possible.

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