
Friday, February 25, 2011

Need sleep

Terrible sleep issues again...can't write much because I need to get to bed and if I started, I would probably say some very mean and irrational things because I am so tired and desperate.

And I'm just a tad bit stressed out about the fact that my husband is leaving the country in a week. He's bringing a group of students to the US Virgin Islands over spring break as part of a travel writing course he's teaching. We thought the baby would be several weeks old by that point. Now I'm facing the possibility of having a baby only a few days old and no husband around. My MIL is coming that week but I am not sure I can handle it on my own, even with her help.

And let's not even mention all the ridiculous theories various people have suggested for why I'm still pregnant. I'm too stressed/not stressed enough/purposely withholding labor/caused it because of my diet.



  1. *hugs*

    Don't listen to all the obnoxious will come when he/she is ready, right? (And I hope soon for all of your sakes!)

    But waiting past 40 weeks is oh so hard...

  2. Probably has nothing to do with the fact that a baby will be born when it's ready to be born. I hope you get some sleep!

  3. Actually, you sound like you are about to go into labor soon, really soon. I recognize that tone, even on the internet!

    Hang in there, hon. It will be okay. Rest, rest, rest, till you can't anymore.

    The end of pregnancy just SUCKS sometimes! But you'll get through it.

  4. I'm so sorry you're going to be without your husband so soon after your new baby will be born. Thinking about you & hoping your birthing time is near. Take good care.

  5. Sending you a hug xoxoxo

  6. BIG Hugs. Your baby knows the perfect day to be born. What everyone else thinks means nothing.

  7. Rixa,
    I will be sending positive thoughts and prayers your way for some much needed rest. Many blessing to you and your family!

    Vicki M.

  8. All of that--the sleep deprivation, the upcoming partner deprivation, the incredibly annoying people saying awful things for no apparent reason--just absolutely sucks. I'm sorry, especially sorry that you're so tired. You sound like my own internal (and sometimes quite loud external) monologue when my back gets pushed to the wall with regard to sleep.

    I wish I could send you some rest.

  9. I agree with W-R Mama! It sounds like it will be starting soon (although my estimate of the 20th was totally off haha!)
    The night before I had DS (well... 1 hr before SROM and I went into labor) I was bitching and bitching "There is no baby coming! Whatever! Why did I even put up that crib!" haha... :)

    But yeah I know how hard it is to have your due date come and go! It is so tough!!

  10. Sounds like the prebirth freak-out to me! Love and blessings to you!

  11. People are idiots. The baby will come when it's ready but I am sorry that it's going to be so close to your husband leaving. I remember a few days after our son was born my husband found out that he might have to go on a business trip when the baby was only a week old and I freaked out. My mom would have come and stayed with me but it's just not the same.

  12. hello rixa,
    thanks for the update, i was wondering how you were. we seem to be alternating pregnancies (my girls born april 07 and june 10) so i love reading about your experiences. with my second i went 10 days 'late' and my husband was due to be best man at his brothers wedding. :P

    hope you get some sleep so you feel more centered. hypnobirthing saved my butt for sleep at 40 weeks.

    best wishes for a calm & joyous birth! i'll be compulsively checking your page (you don't have a secret counter do you?) go warrior mama!!!

  13. Lisa in Canada2/25/11, 11:18 PM

    Totally agree with the pre-birth freak out! I went 40w6d and 41w3d with my two and I recognize that tone anywhere! ;)

    Do what you need for you. That babe is coming soon!

  14. You are amazing! You can and will do this, and it will all work out the way the Lord wants it to. You will be blessed for it. Don't worry about what anyone says or thinks. I am SO excited for you!

  15. I feel with you, it's so hard to wait past 40 weeks. Even if you were totally relaxed, when you pass 40 weeks you stress. It doesn't make any sense! Babies are born when they are ready!!! Your baby will come soon, don't worry! And if your MIL takes care of your other kids, you will do just fine with a newborn ;-) Big hugs, Nadja

  16. The reason you haven't had the baby yet is because your baby isn't ready - and you're honoring that instead of putting him/her on your time schedule.

    I do understand your frustration - I've had one 41w2d and one 40w3d... and I'm 37+w with another... knowing I could go another 4.5 weeks.

    Hang in there, mama! Praying for health and patience for you and health and strong "lungs are done" chemicals for the babe =)

  17. Oh man, I feel you. So sorry people are saying dumb things and making it harder for you.

    I went 40w1d with my first child and recently went 41w6d with #2. It was the most difficult two weeks of any pregnancy, without a doubt. I ceased talking about the pregnancy and holed up in my house most of the time. I even wondered at times if we were really going to have another baby. It just felt like it would never happen.

    Dumbest comment turned horrible situation ever: when asked whether I was still pregnant (as I stood right in front of him), DH joked to a cook at our favorite restaurant that I never had been pregnant and that it was a hysterical pregnancy. Cook took DH literally but didn't say anything in return. He just told everyone after we left. Created some extremely awkward moments that resulted in me avoiding the restaurant until after the birth!

  18. You sound like me. I sure the frick hope this is the prelabour cranky pants because I hate being so crabby! Though I had some contractions last night (prelabour) and suddenly I was all, "Ummm, I don't want to do this anymore. Is there an exit button? C'mon seriously, people."

    Traveling mercies as you journey the final hours before this beautiful birth to be.

  19. I really feel for you. My baby was 12 days over due and once I got past the 41 week point I couldn't sleep much either so went into be induced feeling drained and exhausted both physically and emotionally. It's all worth it now though as I have a beautiful week old baby girl to keep me up at night instead!

    Good luck for your birth, I hope you haven't got to wait too much longer.

  20. 41w6d here... I could have written this when I was overdue. My voice mail filled up during that time because I couldn't stand to talk to ANYONE except my husband and mother. Good luck during these last few days!

  21. I really hope you can get some rest before the little one comes! By the way, I'm sure baby is quite comfy inside and will come when he/she's ready =)

  22. I'm sorry to hear that you're in such a difficult place right now. I do hope you'll come back to say either that it was pre labor stress and that you have a new adorable baby to introduce to us or that you finally got a good strech of sleep and that you feel better. I send you good vibes.

    And I suggest you ask your husband to make a list of cool activities his mom can do with the olders and stash a box of specials things and toys thant Zari and Dio could use during his trip will you nurse/rest/shower...


  23. Who said something stupid to my Rixa? Ill kill em1 What the hell is wrong weith all the "natural" mamas who still fall victim to that old 40 weeks is an expiration date craziness?

    Silly. Get some Rest, Rixa. I am sorryu you are feeling ill. I dont get why your husband has to leave but thats horrible.
    hugs hugs hugs

  24. Whatever, indeed. Every post-dates mama has heard it. I even believed it a little bit, trying to do things differently the second time to be more open/receptive to the baby - and I only went later! I get kind of sick of the idea that if you just think positively, you can somehow control events. I am very sorry about your husband, but the baby will come when it comes, and things will be okay.

  25. Girl, I SO feel for you. My 3 have been "late": 11, 14, and 17 days respectively (11 being #1) and I think I've heard just about every self-inflicted reason people can come up with for why the baby isn't coming "on time" or "early". At this point I have to just truly believe that babies know when they are meant to be born!

    And seriously? I say to those people in my life and yours who would like to blame the late gestation on you or me. Do you REALLY think any woman would purposely hold her baby in "late"... we don't PREFR to torture ourselves, I assure you!

  26. Hoping it wasn't your husband who suggested these theories. If so--he should be sleeping in a tent in your yard over the next week.

  27. You're doing great! Hugs!!

  28. The hardest part always seems to come at the hardest times. But I KNOW you can do it...your type of parenting is very condusive to solo parenting...breastfeeding, babywearing, etc....I have 3 kids, and really, except for some lack of sleep which a man couldn't help with anyway, all you need is a sling, some breasts, and some good kids shows on the TV. My husband went back to work a week after #3, and it was late November, in Ontario and I had to walk #1 (and #2 and #3) to kindergarten in the snow....if I can do that, you can babymoon while your MIL is there :)

  29. You can do it!!! Do whatever it takes to survive - TV, videos, whatever...and take-out, pizza, convenience food galore...

  30. I've been thinking about you recently, Rixa. Sending my prayers along with everyone else.

  31. I'm nowhere near my birthing time, so what's my excuse for the restlessness and crabbiness? :-)

    You're my hero and you will make it through this and whoever is talking smack, send them my way. I'm itching for a battle! :-)
