
Saturday, February 26, 2011

What's worse?

What's worse than a third sleepless night in a row?

A third sleepless night plus...

Puking 4 times

15+ trips to the bathroom for diarrhea

Fever and chills

Back to bed I go...


  1. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that - I hope you feel better soon! Sending prayers your way!

  2. hope you are feeling better fast! i can empathize; this was me wednesday night - thursday. ended up in the ER for fluids and to make sure the baby was ok. stay hydrated and get well!

  3. Maybe it's a funky labor starting up?? Either way, it sounds like a bummer. Sorry you aren't feeling well!

  4. I'm so sorry. That's no fun. You did just describe the night before my second sons birth though. I hope it's early labor and not a bug. Rest and feel better.

  5. Oh yuck! I'm so very sorry, Rixa. Thinking of you and sending all my best...

  6. Oh Rixa, I've been praying for you!

  7. Here's to hoping it's early labor. BTDT. No fun. Stay hydrated.

  8. oh dear! hope you feel better!

  9. So sorry! I'm not sure if I should hope this is the start of labor or if I should hope that you get a day or two to get over this and get some energy back for labor. Being sick when you're pregnant is the worst, so I guess I'll hope it's labor. Take care of yourself as best you can. I'm sending every good birthing thought I can your way.

  10. What an awful convergence of events! Wishing you the very best and that things unfold easily for you.

  11. Sounds like labor is on it's way!! :)

  12. Oh, wow! Praying for you!!

    My doula, Rose, had her last labor start due to the influence of a stomach bug - perhaps things will go the same way for you. In either case, here's hoping it's a short-lived bug!!!

  13. So looking forward to hearing GOOD news after this iffy post... could be labor starting coule be ill... oh, the torture!

  14. I doubt it's labor--Eric had the same thing (minus diarrhea, lucky for him) the night before. And it's been going through our friends and their kids...bleh...trying to stay hydrated is my goal for today. I'm not puking any more and I can keep clear fluids down.

  15. Ick ick. I had H1N1 at 40 weeks 3 days with my daughter. So not fun but then in retrospect, I'm so glad she waited until 41 and 3 to come out. Here's hoping you get a day or two of recovery before this little babe arrives. Sending some good thoughts!

  16. I am so sorry! Hugs and prayers for a quick recovery.

  17. Lisa in Canada2/26/11, 1:58 PM

    Oh, Rixa, how awful!! I'm glad to hear you are keeping fluids down. Push, push, push the fluids. Do you have access to any homeopathics? A little Arsenicum will probably help.

    Hope your next post brings us happy news of your return to health or a baby or both!

  18. Big hugs, take care, Rixa.

  19. Oh, Rixa. My heart goes out to you. Just prayed. Feel better soon!

  20. Feel better! Wishing you the very best as you heal, and for the birth of your baby. Sorry to hear that your husband has to leave so soon. Hope you get some great rest, too.

    I love the mix on your blog of family/home/birth/breastfeeding/etc. Thank you for the work you put into it, and for sharing it!

  21. Lots of prayers for you, Rixa! I am sending the prayers.

  22. Oh, you poor thing! Hoping for a very quick recovery and as much peaceful time as you need before labor begins.

  23. Oh no.. I'm sorry you're sick.. but I guess for the same reason, I'm glad you've not given birth yet (newborn care + gastro is no fun either)..

    Stay hydrated and I hope you feel better really soon.

    I sympathise with you re: being told the reason you're "overdue".. Babies just come in their own time dammit!! Maybe baby was in the know about you getting sick and decided to stay put till you feel better.

    Yours in waiting!


  24. I hope you are feeling all better now and able to get some rest!

