
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Congratulations, it's a . . . line!

Coming earthside some time between Earth Day and Mother's Day!


  1. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you! I do the early-test-line's-so-pale-I'm-not-quite-sure thing with every pregnancy; I just can never wait to test until I would be sure of getting a strong positive. I think I went through at least five tests last time--just checking!

  2. Horray! Congratulations to you. I am a bit jealous, I love growing babies!

  3. Congrats! I'm so excited for you!

  4. Oh, how exciting! Congratulations!

  5. that has to be the MOST frustrating thing; waiting each month for the line to show itself. YIPPEE! Congratulations. Im envious, its such a lovely time and hopfully we get to follow your progress like a bunch of bloggy grandparents.

  6. Congratulations! I've been reading for about six months now, and really enjoy your posts.

  7. wonderful news - here's to much health & happiness!

  8. Big congratulations, and I'm really looking forward to reading all your pregnancy and birth-related posts (again!)

  9. Yep! two lines!! celebratin' all over again ;-)

  10. Congratulations!!!!

    I don't get a positive line until like a week after my missed period.

    that happened three times with me. the second time was a miscarriage.

  11. Kel--"bloggy grandparents"?! More like bloggy aunts! LOL You aren't old enough.

    I didn't want to wait any longer because I kept having to stop myself from mentioning things. Like, for example, how I am very tired and a bit queasy. Moreso that last time, as much as I can remember, but I am also nourishing three people instead of two, and taking care of a toddler. So I suppose that's why. Plus it's so much more manageable if you can share and get sympathy or advice!

  12. Oh this is such wonderful news! And just last night I was lying in bed thinking of your family and wondering when another little soul might make hir way to you xoxox

    And yay, aren't we lucky to get to share this journey with you across cyberspace!

  13. Ahhhhhhhh! Congratulations! How exciting!

  14. wow! congratulations, I have those very same pos tests myself.

  15. "nourishing three people"... does that mean what i think it does?

  16. Congrats, Rixa. I'm thrilled for you, again! How far along are you?

    All these babies! I hope pregnancy isn't catching at the moment. I'm busy enough with 3 boys and my 3-month-old. No more, thanks.

  17. Wow! Congratulations, Rixa! What happy news!

  18. Congratulations!

    I thought I saw someone else mention in the comments section, but didn't want to be rude and ask!

  19. OMG you AND hathor the cow goddess??!!??
    how fan-freaking-tastic is that?
    much congratulations!!

  20. Congrats from a friend-of-a-friend, and new reader of your blog! Yay!

  21. Congratulations! I'm happy for you! To me it goes faster when no one knows. I felt so rotten the last two times that I wanted to ignore it (the sickness, not the child) as long as possible. We didn't tell anyone about the last pregnancy (except for my mom and sisters, of course) until my ultrasound. I was on bedrest a month later, so a lot of people never knew I was expecting. Folks at church and school were surprised to see me pushing the handy double stroller this summer.

    I loved adding babies once my family was started. There's so much joy in seeing your children love each other. And nothing's as tough the second time around!

  22. Congratulations! I wondered if something was afoot based on a comment you left on Jen's blog and also a comment from Kelley on your own blog a few posts ago. Super news.

    Made me go back and look at pictures of my own pregnancy tests. I got my first positive at 12 dpo (day 32) on a strip like your own and it took some creative looking to see that line . . . but it did indeed turn out to be real. Seems like a million years ago. I think motherhood changes one's sense of time. Maybe it's the all-night nursing!

  23. Fantastic! Congratulations! Like a PP said, you AND Hathor pregnant at the same time is absolutely wonderful!!

    Z's going to be a big sister!

  24. YAY! Congrats, how exciting!

  25. I'm happy for you!! Send some baby dust and fertility wishes my way, okay?

    Your pregnancy gives me hope those...those short luteal phases don't stay short forever with breastfeeding.

  26. Nourishing 3 = me, baby, and Zari. Although twins would be exciting too!
    Kelley, I don't now how far along I am. I mean, if I went back and looked at a calendar I could figure it out, but I don't know off the top of my head. Not super far.

    Last time I waited forever to tell people except for family members. I was in France during most of the 2nd trimester, so I came back and was visibly pregnant and had the baby 3 months later. And that was fun, too, but this time around I don't care if people know earlier.

  27. Congrats Rixa!

    Now almost all of my friends with 2 year olds (or almost 2) are preg (my youngest is two) the questions as to "when are you having another" are popping. I think we're done with our three.

    Hope you have a great pregnancy and enjoy miss Zari while she's your one--my oldest are 5 m apart and I didn't get much time with just one.

  28. Congrats, congrats! I'm due just before you near the beginning/mid-April with my first. I can't wait to hear all about your pregnancy as I also progress with mine!

    Next Mother's Day will truly be a happy day for both of us!

  29. Oh my gosh!!! That is wonderful news!!! Congratulations -- that is definitely a line!

  30. CONGRATS RIXA!!!!!!!!!!
    Ah yes, now the "fun" of being pregnant while chasing a toddler begins.....the "tired" part will take on a whole new meaning--but (obviously) I am all for siblings! I hope you feel very well and strong and we are so so happy for all of you guys!


  32. I'm excited for you Rixa!

  33. This rocks! I am a Canadian student headed for graduation from a midwifery program and recently discovered your blog. I'm a huge advocate of UB and really looking forward to reading your posts during your pregnancy.

    Congratulations and take good care of yourself!

  34. whoa!

    congrats, rixa and eric! how awesome.

  35. Shai, which program are you at--Laurentian? McMasters? (and I think there's one other one, too, right?) Where will you be practicing? I'd love to hear more about your midwifery education and your perspectives on practicing as a midwife in Canada.

  36. I just realized that Zari and Zoe are not far apart (only a couple of months if I remember right...) and now this one of mine and this one of yours are not far apart!! And all UC babies to boot!!

  37. So Tasha, you don't think it's twins after all?

  38. nope not twins. My midwife friend palpated me and said for certain that I am not having twins. I let other people's comments get to me I think, I carry big babies, that's just the way it is. I'm humongous presently so people have already been asking if I am just about ready to, no, I'm only coming up on 30 weeks, thankyouverymuch!


    so nope. no twins.

  39. Congrats Rixa!! That's so very exciting!!! I love reading your blog, so I look forward to hearing pregnancy updates now too!! I have a daughter a month younger then Zari and have already had another since! They're 12 months apart, I would so love to have a nice space! My babies come close, no matter how much I nurse. I'm so happy for your news though!

  40. congratulations, mama!

  41. Hi Rixa,
    I'm at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia. I'm about to head off to a rural location for an 8 month practicum. But first, I have to pass a practical and written exam on Thursday, so I gotta hit the books!

    Looking forward to reading your blog in between births, home visits and studying.

    Congrats again!

  42. congrats!!

  43. Congratulations :D !!! I've been reading your blog for several months now and already can't wait for your new arrival!

  44. Congratulations! How wonderful a blessing that is! I will pray for a healthy pregnancy and joyful delivery. =^)

  45. I am, of course, late, but congrats!

  46. WOW! I had NO idea you are pregnant!!! Yay! Congrats to you guys. What a blessing!
