
Monday, September 15, 2008

Help Dr. Newman's breastfeeding clinic

Dr. Jack Newman and Edith Kernerman

I just got word that the Newman Breastfeeding Clinic & Institute of Toronto is losing its private funding at the end of this month. This means that both the clinic and the website will close, unless they can secure funding through outside donations. I found Dr. Newman's website an extremely valuable resource and would hate to lose it. Please join me in donating towards keeping the clinic and website operational!


  1. I thought the clinic was still publicly funded, like the rest of our health care (and our local bf clinic is 'free' so I assume publicly funded). He has had such a rough time with clinics and the government. THere are very few times I wish for a for-profit health care system, and even though I won't need bf support again, it would be nice if it were valued the same way as other medical issues. I know that didn't make total just seems that insurance companies in the States can spend big $$ on diaper bags and even sending home wash basins,'d be nice if there was that money here too sometimes.

  2. He is a treasure. Thank you for bringing this to light.

  3. Oh no! I refer people to his site all the time & got excellent help from him myself a few years back...I will also post the info & try to help get the word out.

  4. here's my post:
