
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Applique projects

I first tried my hand at applique a few years ago. We were living in an old Tudor-style Arts & Crafts house that had a real Harry Potter room under the stairs. It was a favorite sleeping place for nieces and nephews. I decided the house needed a set of Hogwarts flags...and this was the result.
The Slytherin flag hung on the door leading to the attic. "It's for naughty children," I would tell my nieces and nephews. I wrote more about making these at Hand-Made, a sewing & craft blog I started (and then neglected) a few years ago.

More recent applique projects include this silk wall hanging.

And my new Second Womb Slings banner, for selling slings at craft fairs and baby expos.
Stitching around each letter was a crazy amount of work. I don't know if I'll ever do something so intricate again.
Silver "sling ring"
Detail of the logo


  1. Those harry potter flags are wonderful! Would you ever consider making a set to sell? We are in the process of re-doing my son's room in a harry potter theme and those would be a wonderful addition! Love your blog and have been reading for a few months now.

  2. What kind of sewing machine do you use?

  3. That is some beautiful work. Your logo is beautiful- I love the simplicity of it.

  4. I'd have to think about making a set--it was very time-consuming and might be way out of your price range if I were to make another--although I suppose it depends on the price range, right? :)

    My sewing machine is nothing fancy at all--a refurbished Brother. All you need is a machine that does a zig-zag stitch.

  5. ps--I've thought about selling a pattern for the Harry Potter flags. Any interest? (I'd probably have to look into copyright, but since I drew up these images myself, I don't think it would be a problem).

  6. your logo came out beautifully!! :)

  7. Wow! Your Second Womb sling is fabulous. I wish I could sew!

  8. Wow! Thanks for sharing your work. Love the banner for 2nd Womb. Really well done. Makes me want to wear a baby in a sling again. =)

  9. I love this sort of thing. I see stuff like this all summer at our local farmers market. On baby T's or onesies or on blankets and pillow cases. For sure you could come up with some cute simple ones. Maybe fun to sell at your shope with the slings?

    Good work. They look beautiful!

  10. I love your banner, it's beautiful! Good job!
