
Friday, June 28, 2024

Meetings meetings and more friends

Lots of meetings today! One with someone in Bangladesh, another with Italian midwife & doctor who work in Afghanistan. At least my life is never boring!

I also had a little time to do messy renovating stuff, between my other tasks: sanding down Zari's door. I suited up in my Darth Vader respirator, HEPA shop vac, and power sander and got to work (in the basement). I also got the big wrought iron hinge pins stripped and covered with clear lacquer.

Eric's friend left this morning and new friends arrived this evening: she was my next-apartment-over roommate during my freshman year and she married someone I grew up with. They are touring around Europe with their niece and nephew.

Dio had a soccer game & get-together for parents tonight. Eric said it was lots of fun.

I think tomorrow is meeting-free but Sunday will be meeting-full. Oh well.

Zari and I went on a walk right before dinner. She told me that she thinks we are the best possible parents she could have.'s so nice to hear this.

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