
Thursday, June 27, 2024

The next victim

Eric is down with the same thing I had, particularly stomach pains and GI issues.

I've been having a hard time getting up in the mornings; I wake up to get the kids up and then I go back to bed. I'm just so exhausted. What's up? And Inga...well, she was totally wiped out. I tried to wake her up multiple times and finally, at almost 11 am, I insisted that she had to get up.

Today was a lot of computer work, with a Grand Rounds presentation to Baystate Health in MA in the afternoon.

I have plans to sand Zari's door tomorrow morning and lots of meetings scheduled for the afternoon.

I've started adding 5:2 fasting (aiming for 600 cal on fast days) on top of my normal intermittent fasting (mostly an 18:6 rhythm). Today was one of my two fasting days this I cooked dinner but couldn't eat it since I'd already had my food for the day! I made chicken leek soup using the leftover chicken from last night.

Our guest took the kids out for ice cream after dinner.

What else is going on? Kids are writing in journals, Ivy is already in bed, Eric is gone at a dinner for Cavigal women's coaches.

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