
Sunday, August 04, 2024

Family lessons, frisbee, swimming, Sherlock

Eric is still really sick, so he and the kids stayed home. We had an impromptu family gathering where I showed the kids a Ted talk on empathy, Eric shared some spiritual thoughts, and the kids (well, only Ivy had prepared anything) shared anything they wanted to. Ivy's lesson was on how to argue less.

Ivy was also the only one up for playing Ultimate Frisbee with friends this afternoon. Then all of us but Eric joined them afterwards to swim in their pool! These are the friends who worldschooled last year and stayed in Le Chateau for almost a month.

After dinner, we watched a riveting episode of Sherlock that ended in a cliffhanger. Despite begging to see the next episode, we said no. It was time for bed. Dio has a 7 am soccer practice so we all needed to get to sleep on time.

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