
Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Lumberjacking and whirlwinds

The pace of life has picked up significantly, and school hasn't even started yet! (It does tomorrow)

We've had to cut down 8 trees, one of which is an enormous pin oak, probably 5-6 feet in diameter. We had some very sad children. However, watching the lumberjacking over the past 2 days was quite fun. I have lots of videos but no time to put them together into a montage tonight.

We're trying to figure out how to get all of the children to their various soccer practices--some are on 2 different teams and some of those teams are as much as 75 minutes away in different directions. We're not sure we can do it with one car. I am so frustrated because having two cars is just so wasteful and antithetical to the way we've been trying to live. It's not sure...but we're starting to look at used electric vehicles.

I'm going to a big twins-breech conference in Louisville in a few days. I've been prepping some fun props for my video analysis presentation. It's a new idea but it should be fun and interactive. I also sewed two sets of stirrups for the Sophie and Her Mum simulators.

Zari doesn't need to take any more classes to graduate. However, she has to be enrolled in at least 5 classes to play soccer! She may be able to audit some university classes in lieu of high school classes; we've got to look into that more. But at least she has several fun electives.

I met with a potential person to help out with yardwork. I could do it (and have been doing it) but there's just such a massive amount and I need to prioritize my time. He used to run a landscaping service so he knows his way around plants. It's funny that I feel like I need to apologize to the interwebs for possibly hiring out a task! I think it's the thrify, I-can-do-that-myself ethic I was raised with.

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