
Wednesday, August 07, 2024

First day of school

It's weird having an empty, quiet house. We're used to kids coming home for 2-hour lunches and, the older kids, coming home at various times throughout the mornings and afternoons.

Zari and Dio had after school practice, but Inga and Ivy's doesn't start for another week or so. Then Inga had her far-away practice (1 hr 15 min drive each way).

We've very reluctantly decided to buy a second car in order to get children to their various practices and tournaments. We just can't figure out a way to do it with one car. Ugh. It will be a used electric car, so at least we will save on gas.

I'm heading to the Twins-Breech Conference in Louisville, KY tomorrow! I've been busy prepping my presentation materials. 150 signs later, I think I'm ready.

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