
Friday, August 30, 2024


Ivy and Inga invited 3 friends over for a sleepover and the house is loud and crazy. We had dinner and then went to the university track to play. There were thunderstorms rumbling on the horizon, but no rain. Eric made a big batch of crepes when we got back.

They had plans to watch Coraline, but they got distracted playing a whole-house game of hide and seek. And then, once it was dark, the storm arrived. We headed out to the front porch to watch the rain and lightning. The girls ran around in the rain and waved at cars passing by.

We'll make a big pancake breakfast in the morning (we = me) and put the movie on afterward.

It was so hot today that all soccer practices were cancelled, with the exception of Zari's 6:30 am practice.

After the sleepover horde went back inside, Zari and I stayed on the front porch and talked, mostly about relationships and how she overthinks them. Mostly I just listened because honestly, what do I know? But I reminded her that she should just enjoy the moment and not worry about what a relationship may or may not turn into in the future. That will sort itself out.

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