
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Too much Zoom

I had 6+ hours of Zoom meetings today! The last one ended at 10 pm. One was with two DNP students at the University of Seattle. One was to record our next video analysis. And one was a Board meeting.

The heat wave is getting better but it was still a high of 90 today and humid enough that some soccer practices were cancelled and games rescheduled later in the evening. By Saturday we should be over it. I have a morning walking group twice per week and today was super hot by the end of our hour walk!

Dio had a home game this evening, winning 2-1. He played very well, according to Eric. He brought Inga and Ivy and they played pickup soccer with a group of boys. Meanwhile I sat on a chair in front of a computer on a Zoom meeting.

I found sourdough starter in our deep freeze two days ago. I've been reviving it and it was good enough to make a batch of sourdough bread this morning! It was my fasting day so I will get to eat the bread tomorrow.

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