Saturday, February 01, 2025

Rain, soccer, and more kitchen work

Ivy had a tournament this afternoon, 4 short games. She played a bit but was still quite tired in her post-flu recovery. Inga had an afternoon game (they won 5-0, but she came home depressed because she was yet again put on defense although all of her training and skills is in offense). And more rain much of the day.

My dad and I installed the oven and the crown moldings. I cleaned off the dining room table--I haven't seen the top of it for a few weeks now! We measured and drew up the plans for the countertop and backsplashes and got them sent off to the quartz manufacturer. I did the initial measuring, drew up the plans, and then had my dad come with me and measure again to be sure I didn't miss anything obvious.

Dio and Zari made spicy crab sushi for dinner, along with roasted brussels sprouts (my mom) and tiramisu (me).

I've been waking up way too early the past several mornings, usually between 5:30-6 am--and not on purpose! I just have so much on my mind, mostly planning the next kitchen renovation thing.
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