Sunday, June 28, 2009

Amy Romano, a CNM who blogs at Lamaze's Science & Sensibility, has written a great response to two New Yorker articles by physician Atul Gawande. I've been wanting to discuss his articles, but haven't had the time to write up my thoughts. Mom's Tinfoil Hat, an OB-GYN-in-training, agrees that Romano's analysis is worth the read.

First, read his two articles, How Childbirth Went Industrial (2006) and The Cost Conundrum (2009), then read Romano's response: The Maternity Conundrum: One Thing Atul Gawande Doesn’t Get About Health Care Reform.


  1. thanks for these links. They were a great read- im alawys slightly hopeful after reading discourse like them...but probably not what i should have been reading for an hour at work! lol

  2. I really like Henci Goer's response to "How Childbirth Went Industrial" as well.

  3. The two articles do seem to fly in the face of each other don't they?

  4. Thanks for the link!

    I hope that health care reform, the financial crisis, The Business of Being Born, and the Great Push for Midwives all coincide in some sort of perfect storm to usher in the midwifery model of care in the United States.

    Hey, I can dream.

  5. amy was the midwife that caught willem =)
    Makes me so proud and confident to have such a kick ass midwife!

    Amy and henci are also doing the second Obstetric myth vs research realities together.

  6. I'm appalled by the hypocrisy of the two articles (that regular health care needs to be low-tech EXCEPT childbirth). As soon as I read the more famous article about the cost of healthcare, I immediately saw its application to the natural childbirth movement. It is *astounding* to be that the same author would advocate for HIGHER rates of C-section. Even if C-sections were as safe as vaginal births (which they are not), there would still be no justification for the expense of them when looking at the overall explosion of health care costs.


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