Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Brothers are the best

My brother arrived last night! He's here for 3 weeks and we are all super excited. He is determined to spoil the kids and earn (or rather, keep) "favorite uncle" status.

We've already done tons of fun things today:
1. He and Ivy went for a morning walk and bought pastries
2. He and I went to my favorite antique/consignment store plus ran an errand to Decathlon.
3. He and Dio went to a skate shop, where he bought a deck and then built a skateboard with trucks and wheels he brought from home
4. He and the kids designed the pattern for the grip strip on the top of the skateboard
5. He bought Dio a fancy patissserie
6. He convinced Dio, Inga, and Zari to come to the beach. He and I swam while the rest enjoyed the sun. It was amazing! We stayed in for a good 15-20 minutes.
7. He and Ivy went skateboarding/rollerblading together
8. After dinner, he invited some of the kids downstairs to to "very boring things" (aka going out for ice cream)

We have determined that we need to find him a sexy French boyfriend while he is here 🙂

I had another visit with the osteopath/kine. He did more tests with his fancy equipment and said that it looks improved since last time. One of the things he had me do, while wearing some fancy eyecoverings that track eye moments, was lie down and turn my head quicky from side to side a few times. That definitely provoked some vertigo and on his end he was seeing something on his equipment. Then he did one Epley maneuver and immediately after it was much better than it had been all day.

I'm supposed to see an ENT and also come back to the osteopath in a week.


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