Saturday, June 29, 2024

Boat burning

Eric, Ivy, and Inga were gone all day at a soccer tournament. Inga's team won 5th, Ivy's won 2nd. Inga scored 4 goals plus a penalty. Ivy scored 1 goal and lots of assists.

Zari, Dio, and I had a quiet day together. They are both studying for their big exams (brevet for Dio, bac grand oral for Zari). Dio had a friend over in the afternoon to study and play games. I was hoping to paint Zari's door, but some of the wood filler is still drying. I'll let it sit until Monday and try again.

Zari and I went for a late afternoon swim and ran into some friends there.

Our new guests came over for dinner. I made green beans and Tuscan butter gnocchi. She brought dessert: good yogurt, strawberries, and two interesting varieties of chocolate. We also picked up some baked goods via Too Good To Go.

After some initial awkward moments, our kids and their niece and nephew hit it off brilliantly. By time we came back from the bakery, they were arguing about Team Edward vs Team Jacob and playing Uno.

After the hordes demolished the baked goods, we adults sent the kids off with 30 euros and instructions to walk around and buy some treats. Then we went on a walk of our own around the port and to La Reserve. We stopped by a big cultural celebration on the far side of the port, and as we were walking back home we saw why: a ritual burning of a sailboat in the middle of the port! I'm not exactly sure what or why this was, but obviously it is A Thing.

We came home to children with blue lips from eating slushies (granitas).


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