Friday, June 21, 2024

La Fête de la musique

I have a love-hate relationship with summer solstice celebrations here, which is a gigantic loud music party, with every bar, restaurant, business, and random musical groups playing their music or performing at top volume. Love the idea of music and celebrating, hate all the noise! We're holed up with everything shut tight and the sound is still SO LOUD.

Inga and her friend brought blank white t-shirts to school and a box of markers. They came home with signatures from teachers, classmates, and of course family members go to add to it. Much more fun than signing a yearbook.

I had to do some repairs in Le Chateau--the countertop area next to the sink had warped and cupped, presumably due to water damage from a tenant leaving a lot of water on that part of the butcher block counter for long periods of time. It's weird, though, because the countertop finish itself doesn't show any signs of water damage but the wood is significantly cupped. So water is the likely culprit since that's where the dish drainer was used and there was likely water pooled underneath it much of the time.

Sigh...that then warping popped the sink loose and the sink wouldn't sit flat because the hole was no longer flat! So I had to plane down part of the butcher block, sand it, re-oil the counter multiple coats (currently in process), and then eventually re-install the sink. There will be a 2mm gap in a few places where I couldn't get all 4 sizes perfectly flush with each other but it's much better than before.

We watched the France-Netherlands soccer game this evening but it ended 0-0. Not the most exciting game.


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