Saturday, August 24, 2024

SAT, sleepover, live music & food festival

We had an early start for Zari's SAT test, leaving at 7 am and getting back before noon. I went grocery shopping, bought a journal at a book store, and stopped by a thrift store near the testing site.

I left Dio and Ivy with instructions to do some chores once they woke up.

I got home just in time for a breech live session--amazing and informative, as usual. Then it was time for Ivy's friend to come over. We're having a heat wave, so it was hard to get Zari and Dio out. But Ivy and her friend played in a sprinkler and had a great time. It wasn't too bad sitting in the shade. I read a book and enjoyed the live music from the food festival across the street.

After dinner, we watched a movie of Ivy's choice: Legally Blonde. It's still so fun many years later. Then we went outside for a bonfire and Smores. Music still going strong, cicadas whirring, streetlights coming on.

Inga's first game they were up 2-0 but in the last 3 minutes, the other team scored twice! They won their second game 8-0 with Inga scoring 2 goals.

1 comment:

  1. What a jam-packed day! From SATs to live music and a cozy bonfire, it sounds like you made the most of every moment. Legally Blonde is always a great choice for a fun night in!


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