Monday, August 26, 2024

Too much

I have missed very few days of journaling since the start of the pandemic in 2020...until now. I really want to put my foot down for next year and say, "No more."

Driving Inga 3x a week to extra club practices (2.5 hrs round-trip), Ivy going 2x a week to her extra club practices (almost 2 hrs round trip, fortunately she can carpool), plus 6 sets of soccer games between 4 kids. We hardly ever see each other because the kids don't even get home from normal soccer practice until 6 or 6:30 and then Inga and Ivy are getting home at 9 pm or 10:30 pm.

I've told Eric many times that I thought it was too much and I still feel that way. It's ok say to say no to things, even if they are individually good opportunities.


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