Well, it was a big day today--Inga and Ivy got braces. We thought they were just going in for pictures and then they'd get them next Wednesdays. But no, they had time today! They have everything but the braces on their back molars on.
I did lots of walking around town running errands this afternoon. I can't say why because it's Christmas present related and I do have children who may read this!
Inga had practice earlier this evening and then Eric and Dio left right after she came home for his practice.
I felt fine today but while we were watching Beetle Juice this evening, I had about 20 minutes where I completely conked out.
We have a big soccer day tomorrow. Eric is helping out with a tournament for the under-9 girl's team, and Ivy is coming along as his assistant. Then in the afternoon Inga has a game. Dio has a game on Sunday. Still, everything but one event is here in town so it's not too bad.
We went to Zari's "remise du bac" this evening, where they picked up their diplomas. We were expecting a big event with hour-long speeches. But we all gathered in a big room with no chairs. There was a 5-minute speech and then everyone lined up to pick up their dimplomas from a series of tables. They milled around for a while, talking and eating some snacks. And that was it!
Zari was one of 9 students in her graduating class who got a "mention très bien avec félicitations du jury," which means a score of 18 or above and in the top 1.8% of students nationally. Not bad for missing half of every school year and doing it in a second language! Yes, I am totally bragging :)
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