Sunday, September 15, 2024

More driving! More soccer! Less sleep!

Ivy was up at 6 am for a very early departure. I got her sent off and fortunately was able to get a bit more sleep in before I had to bring Inga to her game. Zari came with as the chaffeur.

We dropped Inga off and had some extra time on our hands before the game started, so we make a quick grocery run. Unfortunately, we got back a bit after the game had started and we missed a beautiful goal by Inga!! 🙁

Her team ultimately won 4-0.

We were all home by mid-afternoon and enjoyed taking it easy (everyone but Eric, who played Ultimate Frisbee and came back tired, sweaty, and happy). We had time to watch two episodes of Andor.

Guess what tomorrow brings? More soccer x4 children!


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