Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Happy 12th birthday Ivy!

We started the morning off with the reading of her birth story and opening presents (Olympique de Lyon soccer jersey, shoes, cyanotype kit, and a purse from my mom).

We had several people coming and going to soccer practices this evening. We weren't all back together until 10:30 pm! We waited until most people were home at 9:30 and then had late night cake and candles and singing.

She's having a sleepover this weekend so we'll have party planning and cake baking and all that fun stuff. Tonight's cake was a Forêt-noire from a bakery. Light but rich, not too sweet. Just how I like it!

I had lots of meetings, the last one starting at 10 pm due to having people in Australia, the US, and Canada.

Also a random picture of my spice racks. They are all organized alphabetically. Yes, that is so satisfying to me after 10 years of having a jumbled, overcrowded spice drawer.


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