Thursday, March 20, 2025

I started the day off with a run (sprint intervals) around the port and back. I'm glad I got out. I've just been so unmotivated lately, in part because I have so much work that it feels hard to justify taking time away to exercise. But the work will never be done, no matter how fast I complete my to-do list.

I made Toulouse sausages roasted with fennel, mustard, thyme, and red wine. French comfort food. We also had aubergines à la provençale for our vegetable. It's very close to ratatouille, just a bit heavier on the eggplants. We made chocolate chip cookies after dinner.

What else? Zari is still gone at soccer practice, Inga is showering, and Dio and Ivy are playing Brawlstars together. Eric is watching a soccer match, Francs vs. Croatia.


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